Our Organization
The Twin Cities Civil War Round Table is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt entity that promotes efforts for education, preservation, and restoration related to the American Civil War. The TCCWRT membership annually elects individuals to a board of directors to lead the round table. The board includes a president, a vice president, the immediate past president, all of whom serve one-year terms; a secretary/treasurer elected to a two-year term, and four or more other directors elected to staggered terms of two years.
Annual dues provide income to cover operating expenses, including speakers. Meeting fees cover the cost of facility rental and meals at the monthly meetings. Sales of donated books and other items at monthly meetings provide revenue for the endowment fund. The board also makes special appeals to the membership for donations to the endowment fund for special projects.

The Evolution of our Organization
Listen to Secretary/Treasurer Carol VanOrnum talk about the ongoing metamorphosis of the TCCWRT. The North Jersey Civil War Round Table invited her to speak about the TCCWRT at the beginning of their June 27, 2024, Zoom program.

Our Mission
To promote efforts for education, preservation, and restoration
related to the American Civil War.
Who Should Join?
Anyone interested in the history of the American Civil War and its sites, monuments, and artifacts are welcome as members.
Benefits of Membership
Monthly meetings featuring presentations by nationally and regionally known experts on the Civil War.
Opportunities to meet and socialize with individuals who have similar interests.
Opportunities to support efforts for education and preservation related to the Civil War.
Opportunities to participate in programs and activities related to the Civil War.
Preservation Projects
Projects to preserve and restore historic sites and events with Civil War connections receive our attention and support. Recent past involvement includes:
- Restoration of the monuments for First Minnesota Infantry Regiment at the Gettysburg battlefield.
- Restoration of a memorial in Cannon Falls, MN, to Colonel William Colvill of the First Minnesota Infantry Regiment.
- Replacement of a medallion in a monument at the Chickamauga Battlefield for the Second Minnesota Infantry Regiment.
- Repair and restoration of the battle flags of Minnesota regiments that served in the Civil War.
- Preservation of the Wood Lake Battlefield in Wood Lake, MN, from the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.
- Creation of a display on the Civil War at the Minnesota Military Museum at Camp Ripley.
- Restoration of the Minnesota Soldiers and Sailors Memorial at Summit Park in St. Paul.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund, established in 1997, accepts tax-exempt gifts, donations, memorials and bequests from members and friends of the round table to support its activities. Gifts for specific purposes consistent with the organization’s mission and tax-exempt status are welcome. Donors will receive receipts for their contributions.
The Round Table promotes education regarding the Civil War through speakers at monthly meetings, financial support for a prize on the Civil War at Minnesota History Day, support for the annual Civil War Symposium in cooperation with other round tables in the state, and maintenance of a speaker’s bureau for school and community groups.